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Hi and welcome to my Humanities blog. Here is where I will be putting all of my humanities work throughout the 2011-2012 school year at ISB (the International School of Belgrade). I hope you will enjoy and please follow!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


“1 a : the power or the government of an emperor : imperial authority : an imperial system *the imperialism of Caesar* *educational imperialism Current Biography*  b : an imperial quality *with dramatic imperialism and disarming gentility T the epitome of mysterious womanhood Louis Mace* 2 a : the policy, practice, or advocacy of seeking or the acquiescing in the extension of the control or empire of a nation by the acquirement of new territory or dependencies especially when lying outside the nation's natural boundaries, by the extension of its rule over other races of mankind (as where commerce demands the protection of the flag), or by the closer union of more or less independent parts (as for war, copyright, or internal commerce)  b : any extension of power or authority or an advocacy of such extension.”

Merriam Websters Third New Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Queen Victoria was the Empress of the British imperialism.
  2. The British imperialism started in the 19th century.
  3. The British and French imperialism's (and Germany too|) fought over Africa.
  4. The Roman imperialism built Hadrian’s Wall in the north of England to keep out the Scots
  5. The Roman imperialism was defeated by the smaller German tribes.

  • They built railways in India.
  • They introduced law and government to uncivilised countries.
  • The newly found countries gave British people places to migrate to.
  • They spread the English language around the world.
  • They made trade links all over the world.
  • They made uncivilised cultures civilised.
  • The British Empire tried to convert other cultures to Christianity.
  • They made slaves of Africans and later brought them to the US.
  • They hunted and killed the Aborigines for sport.
  • They denied the right to self government to the indigenous peoples.
  • They made a bad reputation of the American Indians,

  • In 1922 the British empire contained a quarter of the world’s population.

If I were the ruler of an imperialism I would spread my empire fairly and have a democratic vote from the rulers of that country whether we should rule over them. the only reason my imperialism would exist would be to unite countries in a successful economical bond that could join together during wars and to prevent discrimination and racism. There is a democratic vote for each law. In my empire everyone is equal the rules are fair and everyone gets a chance every person gets 500 pounds per month which can allow people without jobs not to live in squalor. When a country becomes part of my imperialism they get a common government with the rest of the countries even though each country can make their own decisions. The goal of my empire is to create world peace and to unite the world. So as you can see my empire is powerful yet fair and gives everyone a chance.